UrMusic at UMich: Violin Monster

Sydney Braun

Photos by Rita Vega

If you’ve spent time in Ann Arbor, chances are you’re familiar with the one and only Violin Monster. Whether at the Farmer’s Market on a Saturday morning or outside of Joe’s Pizza at 2 AM, it is impossible to miss the violin-playing werewolf that never ceases to entertain the streets of our city.


MUSIC Matters was lucky enough to have the opportunity to interview the infamous musician, and after video chatting with Violin Monster, we have a deeper insight into both their music taste and their motivations behind what they do. It is no surprise that Violin Monster remained in their mask throughout the interview to preserve an air of mystery surrounding their identity!

When asked about their favorite music, Violin Monster mentioned loving several genres and artists for different reasons, including pop music, specifically Ariana Grande and Dua Lipa. Violin Monster had a Hamilton phase for a while, finding the soundtrack motivational. Now, they are into light electronic music by groups like Air and Zero 7, and especially love the mysterious stage presence of the groups. One of their favorite albums is Oczy Mlody by The Flaming Lips, and they specifically enjoy the fantasy-related concepts of the album such as the song entitled “One Night While Hunting for Faeries and Witches and Wizards to Kill.” 

As for playing violin in public while dressed as a werewolf, Violin Monster says their main goal is to get a reaction from people, regardless of what that reaction is. 

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has given Violin Monster moments when they questioned their desire to perform. However, they realize that everyone is going through this shared tough time and they have a way to give people moments of happiness through their performances. Violin Monster believes that it is important to use their talent and passion to help bring joy into the lives of others and now it is more necessary than ever.

Ironically, Violin Monster’s favorite reactions come from dogs. They said that snow dogs like huskies will be very comfortable with them and will even jump up and lick their face! Some dogs are more cautious while others will even howl along to Violin Monster’s violin playing.


Through their public presence, Violin Monster hopes to normalize putting yourself out there and doing something different. They say to pursue your passion regardless of what it is because it will make you happy and others might even think it is cool!

Undoubtedly, Ann Arbor would not be the same without its very own beloved Violin Monster. Next time you see the violin-playing werewolf, don’t hesitate to tell them you appreciate them—Violin Monster has feelings, too! 

To quote Violin Monster’s favorite farewell, “AWOOOOOOOO!”

If you are a member of the University of Michigan community and would like to be interviewed about your taste in music, click here to fill out a short survey!